Thursday, 7 June 2012

Small World Festival

Well our first camping trip was quickly followed by another. This time our annual visit to the very lovely Small World Festival.  I love it because it is so small we are practically camped in the festival and are able to enjoy all of it and keep an eye on the kids at the same time ,which is a blessing. In some festivals it can be an expedition itself just getting from your camping pitch to the event.  Here one can walk around the whole site in 10 minutes ! So the kids get a huge sense of freedom and we get to relax....I am beginning to think it is a museum piece of a fast food ,no shops,no phone companies, no rubbish on the floor,there,s always sweet activities for the kids and the music is lovely,lots of instruments and passionate players ,all helped by solar power and the spontaneity of the people. Love it ! I even managed to deal with the heavy rain and mud but fortunately that didn,t happen until towards the end !   It,s one thing Old Blighty can do well .. Rain..
 And that reminds me there was a Golden jubillee here this weekend but we missed it....!!!

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Birthday Adventure

Well...It was a birthday weekend a couple of weeks ago for the big man and we went adventuring to one of our favourite areas.. the Pewsey Vale in Wiltshire. It was also the first overnight van trip this year and the first time to try and fit all five of us in ! Which we did albeit a bit of a squeeze!
After  at least 5 weeks of nothing but rain we have had a break of hot, hot weather ,from the 19 May  and now back to the rain  . But back to our adventure ......

Knap Hill, covered with cowslips

Finding deer prints, very exciting !

Beautiful woods with carpets of bluebells and wild garlic   

Parked up !

Making  breakfast

More bluebells and twisty vines.
Then we went to visit a little village called Avebury to look at and wonder at the massive stone circle that the Romans built a road straight through to destroy it,s power and then a village was built, even using many of the stones for building materials.... it still has a powerful energy inspite of it  and is well worth visiting. Stonehenge is only about 20 miles from here.We have been here many times.

The old post office

A guest house in the village

Nice bike!
And I just love these stones and am always looking for my own when we are by the sea!